How to add multiple users? How to create an account for the baby?

The APP supports the creation of normal user, infant, and athlete, which can be created according to member types.

  • Normal User: more than 3 years old, can directly measure on the scale.
  • Infant: 0~3 years old, support baby holding mode.
  • Athlete: for athletes and people who regularly exercise.

1.Click on the [Me] icon on the tab.

  • 2.Click on the ” Member” menu and select “New member” to create a new user.
  • 3. Create the personal information for the new user.
  • 4. Select the user from the user list and start the measurement.

If you still have questions, please email us at

如何增加多个用户,如何为婴儿创建账号 ?


  • 普通用户:大于3岁,可以直接上秤测量。
  • 婴儿用户:0~3岁,支持抱婴模式。
  • 运动员用户:针对运动员和经常健身的人群。


1.  点击选项卡“我”(主界面右下角)

2. 点击添加按钮,弹出添加用户界面,点击新成员即可添加。

3. 测量新增用户无需注册,需填写身体相关资料。

4. 添加了测量用户之后,就能在用户列表中选择用户,并且测量和查看对应的用户数据。

